Thursday 21 March 14.30 – 16:00 GMT, Virtual
Join Resilience First, the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES), and Resilience Rising on 21 March 2024 for the launch of our new report Corporate Climate Resilience Pathways: Catalyzing Private Sector Action.
During the webinar we’ll share findings from our extensive research and hear from industry leaders on what’s driving private sector investments in climate resilience and the innovations and strategic direction needed to accelerate impact. We will also unveil our Principles for Corporate Climate Resilience Leadership, developed through consultations with over 65 sustainability experts, which define a leading vision for businesses as vanguards of a climate resilient future.
Join us to learn more about the initiative and how you can be a part of the pivotal next phase of work; a cross-sectoral, multi-year effort to craft a comprehensive standard framework and global community of practice for climate resilience in the private sector.