20 September 2022 | 16:00 -17:30 ET | 1221 Avenue of the Americas

NYCW event - Bulding resilient cities: A roundtable discussion

In the lead-up to UNFCCC COP27, the world is faced with a proliferating set of crises brought on by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the current geopolitical situation, and the global climate emergency. These are revealing catastrophic weaknesses in the resilience of global systems that underpin the lives of people and nature. 

Underscoring this challenge is the lack of finance that has been pledged to build the resilience of communities. Only 5% of climate finance goes towards resilience even though it is identified as the most pressing issue for the majority of communities already facing the impacts of climate change.

During Climate Week New York, Resilience First, UNFCCC Climate Champions, Resilience Rising at the Resilience Hub and Cities Race to Resilience will bring together a network of experts, key stakeholders, businesses and influencers for an exclusive event – Collaboration is the key to building resilient cities: A discussion on unlocking greater engagement between business and cities

You will have the opportunity to find out more about the UNFCCC’s Race to Resilience campaign as well as share your views and gain insights on how businesses worldwide are building urban resilience by working in partnership with cities. We will present success stories, challenges faced, but also the cost of inaction. 

At COP26, the Race to Resilience held a business roundtable event titled “Climate Resilience is Business Resilience”, where a case was made for businesses to act on adaptation. This event will be a follow on from that, demonstrating the growth in understanding and business interest in resilience which has come from COP26.

The dialogue will also pay reference to the role of nature-based solutions (Nbs) in building resilience in cities, and how finance models can be innovated by both business and local government to demonstrate the cost savings and revenue generation that Nbs can provide.

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr Mahmoud Mohieldin, World Bank Group’s Senior Vice President for the 2030 Development Agenda, UN Relations, and Partnerships and UN High Level Climate Champion
  • Rachel Mitchell, Climate Change and Sustainability Manager, New Glasgow
  • Hollie Schmidt, Director of the Resilient + Sustainability Business Advisory team, Jacobs
  • Martyn Link, Executive Director, Resilience First

Please note that this is a hybrid event and places are limited, we will come back to you to confirm your seat. Joining instructions will be shared prior to the event.

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