Update 17 – Coronavirus: Looking back and forward

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Monday 20 April 2020

Collective memory is short lived and experience soon evaporates with the arc of time. Yet, they are vital ingredients of resilience for without looking back then bouncing forward with alacrity is made all the more difficult.

The US warns that terrorist attacks have not gone away

Posted on
Sunday 29 March 2020

The US Department for Homeland Security has said it currently has ‘no information indicating any active plotting is underway’ but it is aware that both foreign and domestic extremist groups are looking to spread misinformation about the pandemic.

Are you ready for home working?

Posted on
Tuesday 17 March 2020

A personal view from Stephanie Eybers, Infrastructure and Managed Services Consultant and Account Manager at Cynance/ Transputec, provides useful insights on remaining cyber secure while working at home.

Update 11 – The Coronavirus: the macro and the micro

Posted on
Saturday 14 March 2020

With the declaration on 11 March by the World Health Organization of a coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and the announcement on 12 March by the UK Government of an escalation of the response to the ‘Delay’ phase, both the macro-economics and the micro-community aspects of the situation are coming to the fore.

Flybe is no more

Posted on
Thursday 5 March 2020

The resilience of airlines is being severely tested with a competitive market, the cost of operating and now the hit on passenger numbers with the coronavirus outbreak. The latest casualty is Flybe. It follows the path of Monarch and Thomas Cook. 

Update 8 – The Coronavirus outbreak: the value of communities

Posted on
Thursday 5 March 2020

As the UK Government considers moving into the next stage of its strategy to tackle the Covid-19 epidemic, here are 10 action points to consider should the situation deteriorate. They focus on the potential strength of business communities to assist with any recovery.

Flooding brings a mental health cost

Posted on
Saturday 29 February 2020

Research puts a figure on the cost of mental ill-health after suffering a flood, a price that has hitherto not being incorporated in the damage done to inundated households.

Guide to Emotional Resilience

Posted on
Thursday 27 February 2020

Resilience First launches a guide on Emotional Resilience for business when preparing for, and recovering from, major incidents.

Another type of corona

Posted on
Saturday 22 February 2020

Besides the dangers arising from the coronavirus, there is another corona – that of the sun – which has the potential to cause even greater harm, this time to systems rather than people.

Launch of the Property Flood Resilience Code

Posted on
Monday 10 February 2020

As much of the UK mops up after Storm Ciara, it is timely to draw attention to the launch of the Property Flood Resilience Code of Practice published by CIRIA (Construction Industry Research and Information Association) on 10 February.

Update 3 – The Coronavirus outbreak

Posted on
Monday 10 February 2020

As infections and deaths climb, it is worth considering the longer term impact of the coronavirus on China’s ability to manufacture and ship its goods abroad, and hence the resilience of supply chains that sustain the world’s trade.