Martyn’s Law: A protect duty for public venues
Lord Toby Harris gives his assessment of progress with Martyn’s Law.
Pool Re launches latest terrorism update and Solutions product
Pool Re, Britain’s government-backed terrorism reinsurer, launches it latest terrorism report and a new product for members.
Floods: 2007 and 2019
At the start of London Flood Awareness Week, it is appropriate to look at the findings of a previous review of area flooding, albeit in a region again badly affected by rising waters.
NCSC launches its 2019 annual report
The National Cyber Security Centre provides some interesting and valuable insights on the extent of threats and countermeasures in the digital world.
Learning Lessons
The first phase report of the Grenfell Tower inquiry has highlighted the importance of learning lessons so as to avoid other tragedies. This article considers what the broader lessons to be learnt might be.
Terrorism threat level is reduced to ‘Substantial’
On 4 November the UK threat level from terrorism was reduced to Substantial – meaning an attack is likely.
What makes terrorist organisations resilient?
The recent demise of the top IS leader leads to questions about it future and past success as a terrorist network.
Cold comfort in power loss
The failure of two major power generators in the UK on 9 August saw the loss of electricity for minutes but the consequences lasted for days. This article looks at the prospects of a national outage and possible coping mechanisms.
Keeping Safe – Grab the bag
There has been recent controversy about the value of ‘grab bags’ in readiness for an emergency. This article reviews some of the arguments and possible contents.
Agility within Airport Business Communities
Resilience First and Thornton Tomasetti have launched their report on the resilience of business communities at airports. With airports being key economic enablers, but subject to disruptive events like drones and protesters, this report provides insights on the ways agility can confer greater resilience.
Power Outage on 9 Aug 2019 – Impact on Essential Services
The government has released an interim report on the power outage across parts of the country on 9 August. Extracts from the section of the report on the impacts on essential services give an indication of the interconnectedness of power-dependent systems.
Resiliency, Redundancy and Brexit
A look at the issue of redundancy in the context of lessons emerging from Brexit.
Lessons from a crisis
The October edition of Professional Security magazine features the third of a series of articles on resilience by Resilience First. This item looks at the lessons from Chief Security Officers (CSOs) outlined at a presentation to members on 9 July.
Airports – the new centre of attention
National Infrastructure Commission’s Resilience Scoping Study Report
The NIC has published the finding of its scoping study that will help steer a fuller report on the state of the nation’s resilience, expected in spring 2020.
Making communities resilient
In the September edition of City Security magazine, Resilience First argues that community resilience is the bedrock of group survivability and sustainability.
The Japanese experience
This latest news item is an extract from the September 2019 issue of Professional Security magazine.
Power down, power up
The disruption to the UK National Grid on 9 August has caused some hard questions to be asked on resilience across the power network, particularly on the priority behind restoration.
Beyond risk management: developing alertness, resilience and adaptability
We need to look beyond traditional risk management if we are to deal with complexity and uncertainty.
Adapting to survival is taking off
The latest edition of Professional Security features an article by Resilience First on business community resilience at airports.
Top CSOs reount their experiences
At a recent briefing organised by Resilience First and hosted by Intel Corporation, attendees heard about hard-won lessons from three senior business security leaders.
London Climate Action Week, 1-8 July
As part of London’s response to this, the first ever London Climate Action Week will be held on 1-8 July.
Showing leadership in the resilience of airports and airfields
Resilience First and Intel welcomed two leading figures in the world of civil and military aviation at a private dinner looking at leadership in resilience.
City resilience – a new British Standard/Guide
A new British Standard/Guide on city resilience (BS 67000:2019) was launched last month.