Thursday 24 January 2019

Resilience First is pleased to welcome The Resilience Shift  as a founding champion, in support of its aims to improve the resilience of critical infrastructure.

The focus of the Resilience Shift is to do work, and to support others to do work, that will shift the worldwide approach to resilience in practice. This will help practitioners involved in critical infrastructure to make decisions differently, so that it continues to function under both ordinary and extraordinary circumstances. 

The organisation becomes the 12th founding cha,pion of Resilience First, joining Mastercard, Thames Water, Facebook, Tesco, Barclays and many others, 

Juliet Mian, Technical Director, Resilience Shift, said:

“We believe there is an opportunity for us to look for synergies between our respective work streams and understand the potential for transferring learning between sectors.

“By working together, we can continue to build and grow our respective communities while benefiting from joined-up action on common areas of interest.

Robert Hall, Executive Director, Resilience First, said:

“Working with partners like The Resilience Shift, we will create a wholly new approach to business community resilience which draws on the collective experience of our networks.

“It will support city-wide, top-down plans and protocols as well as complement general infrastructure projects that serve our business communities to build a more robust working environment.”   

To kick off the partnership on 31 January 2019, the Resilience Shift is hosting a Breakfast Briefing: Standards in Resilience for Resilience First.

Speakers include Caroline Field and Dr Rob MacFarlane, introduced by Will Goode, Programme Manager Resilience Shift, and Robert Hall, Executive Director Resilience First.


For further reading, please visit our Knowledge Hub.