Tuesday 19 July 2022, All day Event

Resilience First, in partnership with the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM), the German Government, the Indian Institute for Human Settlements and The Resilience Shift, is delighted to offer our Champion business members the unique opportunity to participate in Global Dialogues which will inform the shape of the UNFCCC’s IPCC’s Summary for Urban Policymakers.

The aim of the summary is to guide cities and businesses with their future urban investment decisions based on the latest scientific data on climate change from the UN’s international panel of scientific authors.

We look forward to convening our business representatives with worldwide urban policymakers and the IPCC scientific authors for a global dialogue to inform the paper which will be launched at COP27 (Nov 22).

This is a by project and invitation only.

Visit our webpage on the Summary for Urban Policymakers (SUP), for more information on the project.

The convening is kindly being hosted by ICAEW.

For any queries, please contact Beena Chester at bchester@resiliencefirst.org

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