4 February 2020, 5pm for 5.30pm to 7.00pm, followed by a networking reception

Keynote and Interactive Workshop: Future Resilience Challenges

Resilience First is pleased to present an interactive evening with Facebook’s Gil Grein, Head of Global Resiliency, on Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 5pm for 5.30pm to 7pm. Together we will learn about Future Resilience Challenges.

Gil will open the event with a horizon-scanning presentation about future business challenges, with a focus on building and managing community resilience. The keynote will be followed by an informal, interactive workshop. Gil will then conclude the workshop session with findings gathered during the session.

The workshop will be followed by a reception for networking.

Gil established Facebook’s global resiliency efforts in 2014. Some of the programmes he oversees include: Global Crisis Management, Global Business Continuity, Data-Centre Resiliency, and Community & Local Resilience.

Kindly hosted by Facebook


To register your interests to attend this event, please email us at contact@resiliencefirst.org


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