Tuesday 17 October, 12:30 to 2pm, Hybrid

Resilience First’s hybrid lunch briefing on the recently published National Risk Register (NRR) with the Cabinet Office. 

The UK faces a broad and diverse range of risks, including threats to lives, health, society, critical infrastructure, economy and sovereignty. Risks may be non-malicious, such as accidents or natural hazards, or they may be malicious threats from malign actors who seek to do us harm.

The recently published NRR outlines 89 threats that would have a significant impact on the UK’s safety, security or critical systems at a national level, within 9 risk themes: Accidents and system failures, Conflict and Instability, Cyber, Geographic and Diplomatic, Human, Animal and Plant Health, Natural and Environmental Hazards, Societal, State Threats and Terrorism.

Organisations can face shocks at any time, affecting their operations, reputation, and performance. As an executive leader, it is important to be prepared to handle these challenges and guide your team through uncertainty.

Mark Birrell, Deputy Head, National Risks Team and Dr Lorna Riddle, Head of National Risk Communications, from the Resilience Directorate in the Cabinet Office will provide a keynote introduction to the NRR followed by a panel discussion. During the event we will discuss specific scenarios, assumptions and response capabilities that your organisation could use to stress test and strengthen your own resilience. This is also a unique opportunity for our members to address any queries they may have regarding the newly published NRR.

This event is kindly hosted by Chris Lay, Chief Executive Officer, Marsh McLennan UK, and a networking lunch will be served from 12 noon for those attending the physical event in London.

Please note that the in-person event is for Resilience First Premium Members only.

To find out more or to register, please email Beena Chester on contact@resiliencefirst.org.

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