Holding back the water

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With more properties at risk of flooding, certain insurers are adopting new ways to help customers deal with the trauma and the damage. We can expect to see more innovation from the sector as costs rise for all parties.

Our CEO, Michael Rooney, reflects on Resilience First at COP26

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As with any other year, COP26 has not been without controversy. From charges of a locked-out Global South to ableism to the high carbon footprint of the conference menu, COP26 has attracted significant criticism in the media and on social channels. It’s difficult, too, not to come to the conclusion that the COP has largely become a PR circus, as actors across governments, NGOs, and activism jostle to advance their respective climate change agendas.

Consequences of Kabul

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Sir David Veness CBE QPM, former Under-Secretary General of the UN Department of Safety & Security, offers his thoughts on the retreat of Western forces from Afghanistan and the possible consequences in terms of terrorist activity.

Something to watch!

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Recent earthquakes around the Teneguía volcano on La Palma in the Canaries suggest that the mountain is becoming more active. Previous studies have suggested potentially severe consequences should a major eruption occur.

A Citizens' Army - the ELSC

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The ELSC or Staff Corps is a valuable contribution to the UK's military establishment, proving expertise and skills in emergencies and disasters. As the government looks at a civilian reservist cadre, the ELSC provides an example of a long-standing service.

If crisis or war comes

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First appearing on the National Preparedness Commission's website, Ed Persson, an Executive Assistant with the Commission has turned his knowledge of Sweden’s preparedness measures into lessons for the UK in an emergency.